"L'intelligenza dei bambini e l'intelligenza della scuola" The intelligence of children and the intelligence of school
The intelligence of children and the intelligences of school
In this webinar, we will try to convey our reflections on and about giving visibility to the autonomous culture of children and their creative strategies to learn and understand the world around them. We will try to underline how the intelligence of children must correspond to an intelligences of the school, and how the school must be aware of the various ways of learning of each of the children it welcomes in order to build contexts where they can evolve their competences, and cultivate their individual and collective curiosity with pleasure and interest.
This is a digital event and collaboration between Innovative Teacher Project, Reggio Children, and La Scuola.
Claudia Giudici, President of Reggio Children
Vea Vecchi, Atelerista
When: Saturday, March 5, 2022 | 9am - 10:30am
Cost: $25,00